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Electrical power supply + belt anti-mucous 50m-805 new

The most effective technology against ulitated snails in the garden

In the gardens appeared unwelcome guests, snails without shells - muzzles. Their high incidence is always in the spotlight of gardeners.

In the fight against, snails without shells - mucous membranes is already suitable and electrical tape of 50 m length is highly efficient, quiet, safe with very easy installation.

The most effective protection against snails without shells - mucous membranewith efficiency of 100% is electrical tape. 

Electrical tape + VN source is highly efficient, quiet, safe with very easy installation.


Scaremonne - liquidator of mucous membranes and snails without shells 750-slime-bio

Sliziaky and shell-free snails are often over-propanated, so the use of various preparations is often very ineffective. The easiest way, however, requires a lot of time, is to manually collect snails. If someone seems unopposed by this procedure, they can help by fencing a low fence made of thick wire mesh, the top edge of which needs to be sharply bended downwards so that the snail can not overcome it.

A fairly effective and mainly proven way of disposing of them is our product called - Liquidator of slibeans and snails without shells -750 - to prevent not only their reproduction, but also damage to your garden, rocks, flowers or trees.


Electric bird belt 15m-281 rubber-waist

Electric tape for the plaice of the beveless fitting birds length 15m-without VN source.

The most effective technology in the fight against pigeon and the bird's electric tape is highly efficient, quiet, safe with a very simple installation. Bird droppings harm the building, destroying the facade and causing a number of major damage. The most effective protection against bird birds with an effect of 100% is an electric tape that does not harm the birds but the guaranteed will not return to that place.


Electric source + belt against birds 15m-805

The most effective technology in the fight against pigeon and the birds of the bird is the electrical source and the electrical tape.
The electric tape + VN source is highly efficient, quiet, secure with a very simple installation. Bird droppings harm the building, destroying the facade and causing a number of major damage. The most effective protection against bird birds with an effect of 100% is an electric tape that does not harm the birds but the guaranteed will not return to that place.
