Alarm to house JABLOTRON 100
The type installation for the model house is prepared in a wireless version that is friendly to the interior of the house and significantly shortens the time, thus reducing the price of installation compared to the wire system.
Alarm to house JABLOTRON 100
The type installation for the model house is prepared in a wireless version that is friendly to the interior of the house and significantly shortens the time, thus reducing the price of installation compared to the wire system.
GSM communication centre with a communication centre that allows communication with the security centre, users' mobile phones and web-operated self-service. The control panel includes a radio module that ensures communication with the wireless components of the system.
The main Access Modules RFID reader and keyboard and revolutionary control are equipped with 5 control segments for easy securing and unlocking of the system, including separate garage guarding, start-up irrigation and emergency assistance
The second access module with RFID reader and keyboards and revolutionary mastery is opatřen 2 control segments for the possible watch erízemí během sleep and summoning help in the
The installation counts 4 motion detectors and 3 magnetic door opening and garage door detectors.
2 combined detectors of movement and shattering of glass are located in front of the glass areas in the living room and in front of the terrace on the first floor
2 fire detectors are installed in the living room and above the staircase
Internal alarm alarm sirens are located in the living room and in the hallway on the first floor
The external siren is installed on the façade of the house towards the driveway
Included in the delivery is to control the garage door using 2 key chains or by ringing from the mobile phone of the users
For the inhabitants of the house are prepared 4 control identification chips