KEY CROC by Hak5 is a keylogger armed with pentest tools
Hak5 is a keylogger equipped with pentest tools, remote access and payloads that trigger multi-vector attacks when entering selected keywords. It is the ultimate key-logging pentest implant.
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Hak5 is a keylogger equipped with pentest tools, remote access and payloads that trigger multi-vector attacks when entering selected keywords. It is the ultimate key-logging pentest implant.
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Monitor and monitor bluetooth devices (keyboards, wireless devices to GSM phones, communication between them and analyze them for your needs)
Or just transfer your data via bluetooth over greater distances.
Devices for capturing (record) keyboard presss connected through a PS2 port. New market 2011 over WiFi network. Hardware memory registers each keyboard stroke in internal memory and can be sent over WiFi devices. Data from this device can later be downloaded and analyzed on a monitored or other computer. All data is protected by 128 bit encryption, no one reads the data without a password.
A computer keyboard spy ing device can work continuously for 12 months and spy on your PC.
WiFi Pineapple TETRA ver 2017
Hak5 is excited to introduce a dual band (2.4/5 GHz) solution to its 6th generation wireless auditing arsenal -- the WiFi Pineapple Tetra.
Building on the successes and feedback of its predecessor, the WiFi Pineapple Tetra addresses the need for a rock solid dual-band penetration testing base station with exceptional performance.
With two discrete dual-band (2.4/5 GHz) Atheros 2:2 MIMO radios, the WiFi Pineapple Tetra leverages a fast PCI Express bus and four integrated high gain amplifiers to provide the penetration tester with unprecedented auditing capabilities.
Combined with the usability improvements of the 6th generation software platform, the WiFi Pineapple Tetra is the ultimate tool for wireless penetration testing.
USB HF RFID reader + 10 brands touchatag starting kit, can be used to create your Internet of Things. With touchatag, objects can be intelligent and applications can become available using a simple touch. Usage: From links between your toddler toys to websites to creating or customizing your own loyalty or rental service, the app's touchatag starter package is limited only by your imagination. Content: Touchatag Starter kit includes one USB RFID reader RFID tags and 10 (smart stickers). System requirements: Usb reader works with PC Windows XP and Vista and MacOSX 10.4 or higher (Intel version). Technical: The USB reader operates at 13.56MHz (high frequency RFID) and has a reading distance of about 4 cm (1.5 inches) when used with touchatag RFID tags.
As tiny Linux computers, they run DuckyScript™ payloads powered by Bash. Armed out-of-the-box with an ultra-fast network scanner, you'll get recon with the flick of a switch.
The WiFi Pineapple is a unique device developed by Hak5 for the purpose of WiFi auditing and penetration testing. Since 2008 the WiFi Pineapple has grown to encompass the best rogue access point features, unique purpose-built hardware, intuitive web interfaces, versatile deployment options, powerful software and hardware development aids, a modular application ecosystem and a growing community of passionate penetration testers.
The USB Armory of Inverse Path is an open source hardware design, implementing the size of a computer flash drive. New version of USB Armory Stick Mark 2.
Pocket Network Attack Q3 2019 portable network attack tool is a pentesters best friend optimized for social engineering engagements and opportunistic wired network auditing.
Gear-959 for penetration tests and other uses. This portable network attack tool is Pentester's best friend, optimized for social engineering tasks and occasional wired network audits. It is functional and works with a very fast nmap payload (payload) that allows you to search quickly and easily on a LAN network. Thanks to simple scripting language and attack/activation switch, load load load is a breeze, and RGB LED provides instant feedback on the stages of an attack.
Does he need to monitor the work of your employees? We have a hardware novelty for you that captures exactly what someone sees on their screen. Nothing is easier than a spy of your PC, you just need to plug in and automatically create images of your monitor and more importantly no software captures it. Only you will know that you are monitoring the computer in question and no one will see the pictures without a password. The device also records the current time, so you know exactly when the images were taken. Time is independent of your computer, so even if someone changes the timeline on your PC, it won't fool our device.
It's practically a small video recorder of your computer. We offer the device in dvi or vga design on the port of the graphics card.
PandwaRF Rogue Pro is ideal for physical pentesters and cyber security professionals. PandwaRF provides several additional features, making it the perfect tool for advanced brutal coercion.
Pocket portable RF tool for autonomous capture of RF data, typically keystrokes (alarms, cars, gate openers).
It can back up to four RFID key access credentials to a small device in the driver design.
Keysy RFID Duplicator, copy RFID with one push 958-20
Keysy is a new product that can back up to four RFID key access credentials into a small device in driver design. It unites all your RFID on one of your keychains so you can keep the originals at home and you don't have to pay expensive replacement fees if you lose them.
Two simple steps to RFID_Security
USB Wi-Fi bezdr tov adaptér vybaven v esmerovou anténou s vysok m ziskom je mo né pou va ako klasick r diov adaptér pre pripojenie k sie am Wi-Fi tandardu 802.11. V spojen s dod van m softvérom je v ak jeho hlavn m poslan m n jdenie hesla akejko vek dostupnej bezdr tovej siete s nastavenou
K takto zabezpe enej r diové sieti sa nie je mo né pripoji" bez znalosti hesla. Pr ve za elom n jdenia tohto ifrovacieho k a boli vyvinuté algoritmy, ktoré vyu vaj slab n kryptovacie met d zabezpe enia WEP. Softvér pou va d myselné kryptografické algoritmy ved ce k prelomeniu WEP ifrovanie a n jdenie ifrovacieho k a a teda aj pr stupového hesla k sieti.
Devices for capturing (record) keyboard presss connected through a PS2 port. New market 2011 over WiFi network. Hardware memory registers each keyboard stroke in internal memory and can be sent over WiFi devices. Data from this device can later be downloaded and analyzed on a monitored or other computer. All data is protected by 128 bit encryption, no one reads the data without a password.
A computer keyboard spy ing device can work continuously for 12 months and spy on your PC.
The multi-purpose hardware is designed to provide you with hidden remote access, painless packet capture, and secure VPN connections using that switch.
Hidden remote access and anonymous packet capture of The Packet Squirrel-957 by Hak5
This Ethernet multi-purpose hardware is designed to provide you with hidden remote access, painless packet capture, and secure VPN connections using that switch.