PandwaRF Marauder Ultimate
Pocket portable RF tool for autonomous capture of RF data, typically keystrokes (alarms, cars, gate openers).
It's a small i'll allow you to claim a premium electronic USB device that is connected between the keyboard and the computer via a USB connector.
Hardware memory writes every keypad blow to internal EEPROM memory, assigning the current time and date to each text!
This key spy can later be downloaded and analyzed to decode everything that happened on the PC depending on the time.
A computer keyboard spy hardware detector capable of monitoring up to 260,000,000,000,000 keys written to your computer via a PS/2 keyboard or USB ( according to purchased ver. ) This means that it can work continuously for 6 months and spy on the whole thing on the PC.
It's actually a small radiotechnical device plugged in in the middle of a standard PS/2 or USB keyboard and personal computer.
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It's a small i'll allow you to claim a premium electronic USB device that is connected between the keyboard and the computer via a USB connector.
Hardware memory writes every punch to the keyboard in internal EEPROM memory, assigning the current time and date to each text!
New on the summer market 2009
It's a small i'll allow you to claim a premium electronic USB device that is connected between the keyboard and the computer via a USB connector.
Hardware memory writes every keypad blow to internal EEPROM memory, assigning the current time and date to each text!
This key spy can later be downloaded and analyzed to decode everything that happened on the PC depending on the time.
A computer keyboard spy hardware detector capable of monitoring up to 260,000,000,000,000 keys written to your computer via a PS/2 keyboard or USB ( according to purchased ver. ) This means that it can work continuously for 6 months and spy on the whole thing on the PC.
At the same time, you have a timeline of what happened on that day.
It's actually a small radiotechnical device plugged in in the middle of a standard PS/2 or USB keyboard and personal computer. This is the main feature of recording everything that comes from your PC keyboard, and it's all written to permanent memory. You can also analyze your saved data later on another computer.
Based on the material thus captured, it is in principle possible to completely reconstruct the user's activities on the computer, which can prove to be a great tool for, for example, backing up – we can return the original blank pages of text to those records in a (software) computer crash. However, similar devices are a double-edged weapon – a potential attacker can detect, for example, e-banking passwords or other sensitive data. They are therefore also used in industrial espionage. Our solution is very discreet. It is, so to speak, integrated directly into conventional-looking keyboard reduction. The device is based on internal flash memory that captures the characters you type. Since records are stored separately from the system itself, the problem will not be done by any system crashes, shutdown of the PC, etc. Captured records can be downloaded if necessary after entering your password. The installation takes only a few seconds, and Linux or MacOS are supported alongside Windows.
All functions from PS/2 and USB keyloggers have an additional module from the time segment. Find out not only what was written on the keyboard, but the exact date and time when the text was written! The huge memory capacity is 2 GB, with fast USB access. A Timestamping hardware keylogger packed with that feature.
The world's smallest hardware keyloggers with date and time - stamping functionality. All features of standard PS/2 and USB keyloggers with additional time module powered by internal batteries. Flash drive and 2 GB of memory ensure fast and easy access to login data for any operating system. Completely transparent for computer operations, no drivers or software you do not need.
Take advantage of unique new features:
Built-in Timestamping module made of battery with over 7 years of life !
Huge memory capacity (2 GB), organized as an advanced flash FAT file system.
Memory protected by strong 128-bit encryption.
No software or drivers you need -Windows, Linux and Mac compatible.
Transparent for computer operation, not found for security scanners.
Quick and easy distribution of national support, including CZ-CS.
Complete functionality is KeeLogger Flash USB or KeeLogger Flash PS/2.
Observe www, email & chat of children in the field of pc usage.
Monitor employee productivity.
Protect your child from online danger.
Date and time – stamping.
Built-in - in real-time hours you will monitor the time and date, independent if the computer is turned on or is not. This is possible thanks to the internal battery, with a guaranteed life span of more than 7 years. The time and date of the stamp is inserted into the log file, while the keylogger captures the punches on the keyboard. The entire log file with the embedded date and time waster is then available for viewing using any text editor.
It does not need access to the installation.
Recording and playback can be done on two different computers.
The operating system is independent of (Windows, Mac OS, Linux)
Undetected and invinvincible for security scanners and anti-spyware.
Specific References