Professional Sound Cleaner II - 20
  • Professional Sound Cleaner II - 20
  • Professional Sound Cleaner II - 20

Professional Sound Cleaner II - 20

With a newly redesigned user interface, Sound Cleaner II provides high-performance intuitive tools for best results. Powerful noise filters and other special features help you get results faster than ever.


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Whether you're a new user or a professional audio expert, Sound Cleaner II has the tools you need for a range of noise canceling and speech enhancement tasks.

With a newly redesigned user interface, Sound Cleaner II provides high-performance intuitive tools for best results. Powerful noise filters and other special features help you get results faster than ever.

Broadband noise filter

The broadband noise filter is designed to suppress background noise from a room or street and interference from communication channels or recording equipment. These sounds occur as humming, rumbling, hissing or roar. Other methods do not effectively eliminate these sounds because they spread across the spectrum, intersecting the speech signal. The broadband noise filter algorithm automatically adapts to changing noise, so you don't have to train it and offer a unique combination of efficiency and simplicity. 

Inverse Filter

Inverse filtration effectively suppresses strong periodic sounds from electrical sensors and mechanical vibrations, restores the speech signal and balances its frequency response. Amplifies the weaker components of the signal while suppressing stronger. Therefore, the average spectrum tends to approach the flat spectrum, detect the speech signal and improve its clarity.

Tin suppressor

The tonal suppression filter is most effective for narrowband stationary and harmonic interference, including buzzing power supplies, slow melody music and sirens and robots of all kinds. Instead of erasing noise frequencies from the spectrum, the tone suppressor uses "intelligent" methods to detect and subtract them. The result is better speech quality than other filters. 

Click Canceler restores audio fragments distorted by various disruptive pulses such as clicks, old vinyl cracks, radio sounds, and short pop-ups. The algorithm automatically detects, suppresses and replaces impulses with smoothed and weakened interpolated signals. Fragments will remain intact without clicks. 

Dynamic range control

With dynamic range control, you can amplify weak signals to balance the level of speech between two speakers, or weaken them to suppress pause noise between loud speech fragments. 

Graphic EQ with 2048 bands

The 4096 band 4096 band equalizer combined with the spectral analyser is used for precise spectral corrections of distorted sound signals. EQ comes with a number of options, including autofilter, ability to use and create presets, input and output spectral displays, and power movers for simultaneous control. Sound Cleaner EQ is an essential tool for a variety of recovery and improvement problems. 

Reversing suppressor

Sound Cleaner II's unique reversing algorithms reduce reversing, making the speech signal easier to understand and reducing listener fatigue. Reversible signals are interpreted as resonant inseffimate speech. The signals are not masked by additional sounds, but they themselves become deformed. This complicates the improvement role and makes the repressor a valuable asset. 

DTMF Suppressor

The DTMF filter focuses on phone dialing sounds. Despite their tonal nature, these sounds cannot be effectively suppressed by tonal filters because of their short duration. That's where the DTMF suppressor fits. 

Mobile phone noise filter

Audio recorders easily capture interference to incoming calls from mobile phones. Sound Cleaner II is the new special noise filter of mobile phones weakens these sensors. 

Clip Restorer

When the signal amplitude exceeds the dynamic range of the recording equipment, the progress is shortened and the sound is distorted. Clip recovery algorithm detects and restores cropped fragments by reconstructing lost information. 

STC AutoFilter

An automatic novice will enjoy an autofilter. This single check is used to relieve the most common sounds.

Reference noise filter

These methods are based on the acquisition of interference information from the reference channel and their use to remove this interference from the primary channel. Reference noise can be presented as TV, radio, or background music. The new synchronization feature allows you to receive a reference channel separately from the main channel. It can be recorded outside the main channel or downloaded from the Internet. Ideal synchronization of the reference and main channels is a prerequisite for successful filtering. This operation is now performed automatically to give users the best results.

Some audio recordings may require preprocessing before you perform recovery procedures. Sound Cleaner II provides a number of editing and preprocessing tools that are often used to restore sound, along with scientific noise filtering algorithms.

Normalize the amplitude before using the filters. Sound Cleaner II allows you to use traditional methods to normalize sound and set the desired output gain in numbers or dBs. Negative and positive amplitude values can be adjusted separately.

Trim the course to reduce unwanted amplitude peaks and reduce the time masking effect.

Resample. If your primary interest is speech, download audio and avoid being harassed by unwanted high-frequency noise or by downsampling audio to prepare it for burning or streaming CDs.

Correction of pace. Use a rate correction to increase or decrease speech speed without changing the tone height. Fast storytelling can be easier to understand when the pace of speech slows down.

Divide the stereo. Divide stereo tracks into two mono channels to prevent unnecessary processing of both channels.

Text transcripts are a great addition to audio recordings. Sound Cleaner includes a built-in text editor that speeds up text transcription – you don't have to skip back and forth between the playback app and the text editor. Text entered in Sound Cleaner is automatically linked to sound, making it easy to navigate from text to corresponding audio fragments or from audio back to text.

Create a comprehensive text message that records your process. The text message contains information about the audio files, a list of filters and filter settings applied, an index of all audio edits made, text transcriptions, screenshots of input and output progress, and spectra.

You can also set up your report to include your organization's logo and contact information, case name, and date.

The Sound Cleaner update is here!

Since its first release 20 years ago, Sound Cleaner has become more popular throughout the international forensic sound community for its simplicity and efficiency - even in the most challenging cases.

We are pleased to announce the release of Sound Cleaner II, the latest version of this award-winning AES audio enhancement software. In addition to bringing new basic noise filters and other interesting features to Sound Cleaner users, almost every aspect of the program has been reviewed and redesigned.

Even after the update, Sound Cleaner II maintains the structural and meaningful core of its predecessors. Users can design their own signal processing procedures, combining any of the filters provided in the required processing sequence. When the filter process is complete, this filter sends a signal to the next process. After using this algorithm, the processed signal is passed to another module in the string. The number of modules used in a single string is limited only by hardware options (computer or workstation). Filter results are instantly available for viewing and listening. 

 Noise cancellation 

Sound Cleaner II offers new filtering options. Get rid of mobile phones and DTMF audio signals with the new mobile phone noise filter and the new DTMF suppression. Restore cropped sound with the new Clip Restorer. Automatic experts will start to enjoy the auto filter. This single control filter can be used to relieve the most common sounds.

 Easy navigation

The functional signal progress navigation bar allows you to view the entire signal. The analyzed area appears in the progress navigation window. This can be easily changed by selecting another section to display.

Full control over processing history

Any action that modifies the signal is recorded on the history card and made available for return/repetition.

Text message 

Professional activity reports

Sound Cleaner II generates professional messages with your company logo and contact information, audio file information, the protocol of the filters used and their settings, as well as any signal changes. Screenshot tools let you improve your reporting with input and output curves and spectra.

Work with projects

Saving a file as a project allows you to keep the filter sequence, text transcripts, and editing history for future use.

Create forensic transcripts

Sound Cleaner II's built-in text editor combines text with sound for quick reference.

 Noise filtering 

Synchronous reference and main channel for filtering

Sound Cleaner II's new audio synchronization algorithm revolutionizes reference noise filtering by recording a mono reference channel separately from the main channel.

Supports the widest range of audio formats

Sound Cleaner II extracts audio tracks from video files in virtually any format and codec.

VST3 support

All Sound Cleaner II filters are available from any DAW as a VST add-on.

Sound Cleaner II

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