Devices for capturing (recording) keyboard keys.
AGENT007-128kB-KLAV module Profi Computer Keyboard Spy.
Devices for capturing (recording) keyboard keys.
It is a small electronic device that must be plugged (installed) directly into the keyboard or into the computer.
Hardware memory writes each keyboard press to internal unprescribed EEPROM memory. This key spy can be downloaded later ( you change the keyboard for another) and you begin to analyze our software to decode everything that happened on the PC.
This module is a special version for inserting directly into the keyboard.
This means that you must install the module in the PS/2 keyboard for possible use. The installed device is not visible at all to your eye or to any software.
A computer keyboard spy hardware detector capable of monitoring up to 130,000 keys written to your computer via a keyboard. It's actually a small radiotechnical device plugged in – mounted in a standard PS/2 keyboard, connected to a personal computer. This is the main feature of recording everything that comes from your PC keyboard, and it's all written to permanent memory. You can later analyze your saved data with a special software on another computer.
Based on the material thus captured, it is in principle possible to completely reconstruct the user's activities on the computer, which can prove to be a great tool for example, when backing up – through these records we can return the original form of blank pages of text in the (software) crash of the computer. However, similar devices are a double-edged weapon – a potential attacker can detect, for example, e-banking passwords or other sensitive data. They are therefore also used in industrial espionage. Our solution is very discreet. It is, so to speak, integrated directly into the keyboard. The device is based on internal flash memory that captures the characters you type. Since records are stored separately from the system itself, the problem will not be done by any system crashes, shutdown of the PC, etc. Captured records can be downloaded if necessary after entering your password. The installation takes only a few minutes, alongside Windows, Linux or MacOS is supported.
Version 128kB:
Standard mode memory range: 130,000 keystrokes,
Inserting the Module inside the PS/2 keyboard is a one-time process. Our company takes no responsibility for the following events:
The destruction of a module, keyboard, or computer caused by improper installation or misuse.
Please note that our instructions and images are just an example. External keyboard design element and hardware can be different and depend on the type of keyboard.
Block Diagram
The module is located between the keyboard (in the keyboard). The device needs four main PS/2 lines (VCC, ZEM, CLK, INF). Some keyboards also have two other unused lines (NC) and shielding that should be left in their original state.
The CD you receive with the hardware ( despite its shape – rectangle ) is normally usable in the CD drive, but you prefer to use the link below where you download the program (only 0.5M )
AGENT007 - hardver data (all recorded keyboard presses) come from it even without a special program, just type the password that is shown on the paper package (sticker) in any text editor (Notepad, Microsoft Office word) after THE PASSWORD PRESS ENTER AND immediately begin to release data from the monitor. ( actually everything displays what was written on the keyboard ) The password simply runs the hardware to describe all the characters written from the keyboard. It will actually replace your keyboard for a short time. CAUTION Do not lose your password, it can be changed but cannot be reset when the password is lost!
After entering your password, do not try to stop the writing process to your monitor. Simply the device within 30s to 3 minutes will sprinkle out of the characters you remember. If you use mouse and move the cursor to another location, those characters will be written to the location you specify. Therefore, let the writing complete, otherwise you may be able to behave senselessly on your PC as if you were writing and using the keyboard, regardless of the result. The easiest way to try it is in that text editor/ Notepad, Microsoft Office WORD ) and then try the recommended software on the attached CD or vid below.
Programs for editing and reading records can be found:
PROFI version for PS/2 device (reads the key-loger correctly to make it easy to read)
LITE version for PS/2 device (designed mainly to change password)
If you do not directly use the executable files, use the installation files (for PS/2 device)
FREE for possible keyboard monitoring. (it's just a software solution that's easy to detect.
The Watchdog program is designed to monitor in detail all user activities on the PC and to the remote operation of computers, the program is not easily identifiable, but the expert will find it. Hardware key-legers don't work software, but what if someone finds them physically?
If you enter the correct password in the box and press ENTER, special characters will start to be written gradually, if they are illegible use the decode function (for ver. PRO.)
CAUTION copying – the data dump may take up to 3 minutes. For a given time, do not try to do anything from the PC, because the log data will be written simply where the cursor is or into the unknown. To exit the dump, determine that the program has stopped moving the fill pointer in KB, or that characters are no longer written in the colony.
Micro instructions spring 2008.
There are two programs available on CD ( or you download them via our website):
KeeLoggerClassicModule programs for PS2 devices
KeeLoggerFlashUsbPs2 for USB devices.
Address KeeLoggerClassicModule
You can find programs:
KldInstaller in the start menu we see him as KLDownloader. (install it, practically you only need this one program to operate).
Type your password in the Command line.....
Gradually, the shelves begin to be written with characters. (it takes about a few minutes – do nothing).
Then press TOOLS and View as Text on the bar to see the decrypted text.
Deleting the entire memory you will convert through the start command line and RUN WHERE you type only the password and press the Backspace large lubrication button arrow left
( ) ( CAUTION lubrication takes about 6-8 !!!) you can't do anything with your PC or keyboard. This is certainly true when reading data.
KldLiteInstaller after installation is displayed as KLDownloaderLite.
The program is used to erase the data virtually in it, the same as in the right program. Press ERASE and type the password, then the Backspace button, all characters will be replaced with nonsense !!! Everything is just erased. ( CAUTION lubrication takes about 6-8 !!!)
When you read the data again with KLDownloader, type your password in the Command line box..... the data is loaded, and then press Translate RAW data and then View as Text.
Attention some characters – dielectric may not be legible. But you can practically read everything that's been put in the keyboard.
In KLDownloaderLite, we can download the data and then save the data to a dowland file and save the log and the data will be saved. They're easy to read.
To delete, you prefer to use the START line and RUN where you only type the password and press the Backspace large lubrication button left arrow (ATTENTION deleble takes about 6-8 minutes) you must not do anything with the PC or keyboard. This is certainly true when reading data. He simply simulates pressing the keyboard and your PC would go crazy if it would write somewhere else than it has.
Code: AGENT007-128kB-KLAV