Ozone Generator 20G/048 for cleansing from rodents and bathing
Active ozone-generator of ozone 20G/048 for cleaning of the space from rodents and bathing, including their desolation + reliably weet snakes and other pests.
Air Ozoniizer Cleaner
Professional ozone Generator module for faster removal of pathogens and odours using "active oxygen" (O3), which produces ozone in two levels of performance (3.5 and 7g/hr). The ozone generator is designed for the treatment of larger spaces. The ozone generator is undergoing oxygen (O2), which is converted to unstable ozone (O3) by means of a "silent" korona of the discharge. Ozone disposes of all pathogens, odours and insects (mites, mole, etc.) that are found in the room.