The device is designed for the detection and localization of VF bedbugs and radio equipment in the nearby zone. Most devices using radio frequencies between 50 MHz and 3,3 GHz The device shall provide detection of:
The device is designed for the detection and localization of VF bedbugs and radio equipment in the nearby zone. Profi
Most devices using radio frequencies between 50 MHz and 3.3 GHz
The device provides detection: Other Wireless Phones and Mobile GSM900/1800, UMTS (3G), CDMA450 Standards; : DECT phones; Bluetooth and Wi-Fi devices; Wireless cameras; Radio transmitters with analog modulation (AM, FM, PM) : Radio transmitters with digital modulation and continuous carrier (FSK, PSK, etc.); Radio transmitters with broadband modulation up to 10 MHz band
Measurement and analysis of electromagnetic fields in 50MHz - 3.3 GHz. Was designed to detect and locate all types of devices that use radio transmissions, such as: Wireless phones
GSM900/1800 network,
UMTS (3G),
CDMA450 DECT phones in Bluetooth and
Wireless Cameras Analog Transmitters (AM, FM, PM) Radio Transmitters with Digital Modulation (FSK, PSK, etc.)
Sensors with broadband modulation and bandwidth up to 10MHz
The device can operate in two modes: alarm mode allows you to verify that there are any new transmissions near the detector, and the sensing mode detects some radio transmissions and measurement frequency.
The small size and ability to set alarms invine vibration allows the user information on discreet surveillance to detect potential threats. Key features include:
Detection analog and digital broadcasts in a wide band Record the frequency and signal level detected selective recording of radio signals found Listen signals small in size
No external antenna
Adaptive digital filter reduces the risk of receiving a false alarm
Vibration warnings for greater powers to log oled alarms 128 to 64 Specifications:
Frequency range: 50-3300MHz
Typical sensitivity: 70mV / m
Dynamic range: 50dB 10MHz band range
Acoustic alarm, visual or vibration
Power supply: 1.5 V AAA battery
Standby running time: up to 4-12h
Working time in other modes: up to 3h Dimensions: 77 × 43 × 18 mm
Weight: 35 g
Characteristic features: selective reception of radio signals, detection of broadband and digital signals, signals listening, measurement of frequency signals "and level; record of the protocol; silent warning signal (vibration mode) no external antenna.
Technical data: Frequency range 50-3300 MHz Typical sensitivity 70 mV / m Dynamic range 50 dB Give bandwidth 10 MHz Battery life in watch mode 4-12 h Battery life, while in other working modes 3 h show OLED 128-64 Overall dimensions 77-43 mm Mass 35 g