Protection of confidential, classified information via the lgsh221/448 network 230V noise channel
Noise generator. Acoustic leakage of information through network power lines comes to the fore front of groups, who do not hesitate to wiretap your guarded space to invest considerable funds. Although wiretaps through the power grid are more costly, today it is no longer an obstacle to get a given profi technology on the wiretap - bedbugs that are difficult to detect by conventional detectors.
Also, the threat of signals from information office equipment and their decoding today does not prevent information from leaking from your PC. Currently existing passive and active methods for protecting the mains power supply (230 V) against unauthorized eavesdropping. Passive Network Protection 230 is to use network EMI filters. These filters damper all signals in the range 0.01-1000 MHz with an efficiency of at least 60 dB and therefore do not miss the information data - signals resulting from the operation of office equipment to your competition. In addition, a properly installed filter also protects office equipment from the harmful effects of external interference.
Active AC (230V) protection is a method involving the creation of special noise signal generators that is higher than the level of audio signal equipment or information signals.
Noise generator in the frequency range 0.01 to 1800 MHz which deafening unwanted information flow (audio, video wiretaps that convey information via electrical power grids) through your 230V network distribution network.
AC noise generator is designed for active protection of information equipment from information leakage to power supply and grounding system.
The device provides protection for single-phase three-wire power lines of 230 V, 50 Hz ("phase", "zero" and "protective conductor") by generating broadband noise interference, noise masking in all drivers in the frequency range 0.01 to 1800 MHz.
The device is an analog medium generator with output to the FF spectrum through antennas as well as through the structure of the power cord.
The device can be controlled by products via wired remote devices. Remote input for connecting switching contact (lever switch with buttons and other switching devices)
Signal level at power cord plug in the frequency band of
10 - 150 kHz and receiver bandwidth of f=200 Hz at least 40 dBμV
Signal level at power cord plug in the frequency band of
0.15 - 30 MHz and receiver bandwidth of f=9 kHz at least 45 dBμV
Signal level at power cord plug in the frequency band of
30 - 300 MHz and receiver bandwidth of f=120 kHz at least 50 dBμV
Generator output signal level in the frequency band of
300 - 1800 MHz and receiver bandwidth of f=120 kHz at least 50 dBμV
Interspectrum correlations factor no more than 2
Power consumption, 230 V / 50 Hz
no more than 40 W
Power voltage ~ 230 V / 50 Hz
Dimensions (no antenna) 188x110x70 mm
Weight,(no antenna) no more than 0.5 kg
The output voltage of the interference generated by the Product is measured through the artificial mains networks NNB 111 and NNB 103 using the IFR 2397 spectrum analyzer at the following bandwidths of the measuring receiver:
- 200 Hz in measuring interference voltage in the frequency band of 9-150 kHz;
- 9 Hz in measuring interference voltage in the frequency band of 0.15-30 MHz;
- 120 Hz in measuring interference voltage in the frequency band of 30-300 MHz.