Multifunction search device ST 034 for obtaining secret information
  • Multifunction search device ST 034 for obtaining secret information

Multifunction search device ST 034 for obtaining secret information

It is intended for the implementation of operational measures for the detection and localization of technical means of secret intelligence, for the identification of natural and artificially created channels of information leakage, as well as for the control of the quality of information protection.


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It is intended for the implementation of operational measures for the detection and localization of technical means of secret intelligence, for the identification of natural and artificially created channels of information leakage, as well as for the control of the quality of information protection.

The product is a modification of the ST033P model. It differs in a compact design and ease of use.

The information is displayed on the graphic LCD display. Acoustic control is performed via headphones or a built-in speaker. Power is from one AA battery or the supplied power supply.


  • High frequency detector-frequency meter.
  • Identification of GSM and DECT signals.
  • Differential mode.
  • Scan receiver control.
  • Wire scanning scanner.
  • Infrared detector.
  • Low frequency magnetic field detector.
  • Differential low frequency amplifier.
  • Vibroacoustic transducer *.
  • Acoustic transducer *.

* - supplied additionally.


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