Listen to the whole event near you without the complex programming of frequencies. Built-in SD ™ Card preprogrammed with a database of all known analog and digital (Project 25) public service volume systems, as well as many common frequencies. GRE PSR-800 Operational Data GRECOM GRE PSR-800 Preprogrammed Digital Scanner represents another step forward in this new era of scanner design. For experienced users scanner PSR-800 is certainly essential. Not a keyboard, but rather a set of buttons resembles an MP3 player. For serious hobbyists who want to quickly enter frequency and tune around the radio spectrum and more, the PSR-800 should not be our first choice, but a customizable SGP-500 will drive. However, for scanner beginners or even experienced users who will travel and don't want to program a scanner for every city you visit, the PSR-800 is a great choice. The radio is about the exact size of the deck of playing cards and an inch higher. It's very convenient size is perfect for scanning on-the-go. It fits comfortably in the pocket, which its direct competitor, Uniden HomePatrol, is much bulkier. The SGP-800 is programmed on the RadioReference National Database for the U.S. and Canada. To program the radio, press the Menu button, select Browse Libraries and then post a hierarchical tree structure to select the state, county, municipality and agency. You can choose in one level, such as a county, and a radio program, all within the county, or you can drill through to public works in a given city and just select that department to scan. Each channel group is then assigned a Scanlist and you select the Scanlists you want to scan. The audio on the PSR-800 is very good and as usual the GRE-25 APCO digital audio decoding is excellent. With its backlight the PSR-800 display is very bright and easy to read and the unique multi-color LED, which can be customized to specific groups or channels, has been expandedl. Attachable to the upper part of the control is for silencing only when the volume is processed into a rocker panel on the radio front. With search service, Spectrum Sweeper and many other features, the PSR-800 radio is a trend-setter. Note that we strongly recommend our setup and optimization services ($29.95) for those who are not experienced users or scanner technicians. With this scanner master service update the database and preset all options and check lists for you. See below for more details. GRE PSR-800 Highlights Select the local system you want to monitor. Special wish? No problem - you can add favorite frequencies using the included EZ program to browse the digital software tool. The PSR-800 combines simple controls like those used in an MP3 player with the power and sophistication of a state-of-the-art scanning receiver! Designed to provide unprecedented ease of use, for beginners and experts a long time! Complete US and Canada microSD memory card database recording feature allows recording transmission exclusive multicolor LED alerts Full Dot-Matrix/High contrast "white" color backlight LCD Keyboard, optimized for one-handed operationMulti-System digital/analog APCO P25 Trunking - Controls analog and digital volume radio signaling formats, including Project 25, Motorola Type I/II/Hybrid, EDACS and LTR systems. Ability to upgrade firmware CPU and DSP and library - Keep EZ browse digital stream with updates and enhancements as soon as free updates are available via EZ scanning software tool digital program. CTCSS and DCS Decoder Subaudible The only scanner that handles X2-TDMA systems PG County MD, Loudoun Co. VA and soon other areas of Weather Radio mode the same and all the dangers of signal decoding User firmware update for CPU Spectrum Sweeper quickly finds nearby signal even if you do not know the frequency. ŠPECIFIKÁCIA Frekvenčný rozsah 25-54, 108-136.99166, 137-174, 216.0025-512, 764-781.996875, 791-796-996875, 806-960 (s výnimkou mobilných skupín), 1240-1300 MHz Režim príjmu AM, FM, NFM, P25, STK, EDACS, LTR, CTCSS, DCS Frekvenčný krok 3,125, 5, 6,25, 7,5, 8,33, 10, 12,5, 25 kHz Selektivita AM 25 - 27.995 MHz: 4 kHz / 6 kHz (-6 dB / -50 dB) Ostatné frekvencie a modulácie: 7 kHz / 13 kHz (-6 dB / -50 dB) Rýchlosť snímania Až 70 kanálov / s Rýchlosť vyhľadávania Až 80 krokov / s Prijímacie systém Výlet konverzie PLL syntézu super-heterodynové Impedancia antény 50 ohmov Audio Output 500 mW (maximálny výkon) Príkon 4AA batérie alebo USB 5 V DC Odber prúdu 170 mA nominálna (Squelch) pri 5V DC Prevádzková teplota 14 až 140 stupňov. F (-10 to 60 degrees. C) Dimensions (w-h) 5 5 / 16 x 2 1 / 8 x 1 1 / 16 inches (135 x 67 x 28 mm) Weight Approx. 7.4 oz (210 g) Supplied accessories USB data cable, Antenna, 2GB microSD memory card, turning the belt clip, CD-Rom Media FEATURES Easy to understand Media Player User interface - simplified keyboard and display with known playbacks