STOP Vandalism: Mosquito MK4/07 RF with Multi-Age Anti-loitering 592-mk4/07, 17.4kHz
Mosquito MK4 ver 7 RF with Multi-Age Anti-Loitering Security Device.
Connect a Remote Pro to The Mosquito MK4 Security System
This is a newer, more powerful version that is controlled via a remote control, where the device is started for about 60 minutes. Subsequently, it will be automatically switched off.
If rodents or perhaps groups of teenagers are regularly hanging around your property, causing damage, scaring away customers, then the Mosquito MK4 ver 7 RF device is the most effective way to stop this problem without confrontations! The effect of the device takes effect within 5-10 min. The Mosquito is not a weapon, it is not violent and it does no damage.
Use and handling only in the presence of an adult.
The Mosquito MK4 is used by the police and local authorities, retail chains, independent shops and private individuals to protect property from the effects of anti-social behavior by teenagers, reduce vandalism, theft and damage to property and improve the quality of life and the environment of citizens.
ATTENTION, even if the device has a CE certificate, it is neither legal nor moral to cause stress or a sense of danger to other people. Therefore, consider the location of the device. If you don't know where to use it, it is a suitable means of scaring off rodents and mosquitoes in your surroundings.
Mosquito MK4 works on low voltage and can therefore be installed by a competent person within 1 hour.
ATTENTION: The device is water resistant, i.e. it is possible to place it on the outer wall of the house, where you expose it to weather conditions, e.g. rain.
IP3X Protected against objects with a diameter of 2.5 mm and more
IPX2 Protected against vertically dripping water when tilted 15 degrees.
The appropriate location is under the roof to prevent direct rain from entering during a storm. Due to the fact that the device is unpleasant for some minors, it is possible that they will try to damage it. It is therefore suitable to be placed in a protective cage or an elevated place.
Main functions
The distance range is 5-40 meters and it depends on the noise levels of the environment
The sound and volume settings are already fully set at a frequency of 16-17.4kHz, which is usually heard by people under 26 years of age - ultrasound.
Setting the sound below 16kHz, which people of all ages can hear higher tones - re-tuning is necessary, just send the product to us for re-tuning, or specify when ordering.
The device is paired with an RF transmitter - remote control within a range of approx. 50m. It is also possible to convert it to automatic switching on via a PIR sensor (Passive Infrared Sensor) for an additional fee, which must be specified when ordering.
The frequency is already set for young people up to about 25 years of age (16-17.4kHz),
When setting the frequency to
7kHz 5-8kHz people from 15-25 years perceive the given sound
16.5kHz 16-17kHz are perceived by youth under 15 years of age
Frequencies below 6kHz should be heard and perceived by all people.
Measurable, i.e. the audible frequency limit for youth was set at 17.4kHz.
Main applications
Antisocial behavior. If you are regularly the victim of anti-social behavior by teenagers outside your home or office, then the Mosquito MK4 is the most effective way to stop it. The police and local authorities have limited success with these problems as they cannot monitor all incidents and cannot do anything when children are not caught. Installing Mosquito will not solve the social problems caused by anti-social behavior, but you will gain the right to enjoy your home or office in peace.
Graffiti. If you have ever experienced graffiti, you know that graffiti removal services are expensive and not always appropriate for the situation. Installing Mosiquit on a page that is repeatedly tagged will protect it from further graffiti.
Vandalism. Many of our customers who are victims of crime have spent thousands of euros to repair damage to their property or have problems with groups of people standing at shop windows and entrances harassing and discouraging shoppers Installing Mosquita will make your location and store unattractive to groups of people , which behave antisocially and rudely and will stop the vandalism.
Homeless people. Many police forces around the world have asked us to make the Mosquito, which also has an effect on the elderly. The latest version, the Mosquito MK4 has a switch that will allow it to emit a tone that will be heard mainly by people under the age of 25. This is most effective in areas where the homeless sleep, tunnels, underpasses, etc.
Only from 18 years old. There are many places where children cannot enter or legally stay in such places. To prevent access of children to such places, Mosquito is the most effective tool.
There is a large amount of information on the Internet about our products that is factually incorrect, so we would encourage you to read through our website to get the facts and contact us if your questions still remain unanswered.
Installation of the device:
Screw the device firmly to the wall with screws.