Wavecom? The right choice for you?
altClassifier and Code Check (CCC) Classifier and Code Check (CCC)
The WAVECOM classifier is an important analysis tool for classifying unknown signals. Wavecom is an important analysis tool for the classification of unknown signals. The purpose is to determine the modulation type, baud rate, frequency shift and bandwidth of one or more signals. The goal is to determine the type of modulation, the baud rate, the frequency and bandwidth of the shift of one or more signals.
This option is only available for government bodies! This option is only available to government authorities!
Currently, the classifier can detect:
Carriers Dopravcovia
FSK signals from 2-FSK up to 34-FSK
FSK, F7B variant FSK, F7B variant
PSK signals, DBPSK, DQPSK, D8PSK and D16PSK A and B variants PSK signals, DBPSK, DQPSK, D8PSK and D16PSK A and B variants
CW signals
The classifier option is available for the W61PC, W61LAN, W51PC, W51LAN. The classifier option is available for W61PC, W61LAN, W51PC, W51LAN. In the current implementation signals in a 4 kHz or 8 kHz frequency range are classified. In the current design signals 4 kHz or 8 kHz frequency range are classified. The "Classification and Code Check" (CCC) of multiple signals in the same frequency range are supported. "Classification and Code Check" (CCC) multiple signals in the same frequency band are supported.
Highlights Highlightsalt
Automatic classification of radio data signals. Automatic classification of radio signals data.
Automatic classification and code check (CCC) of radio data signals. Automatic sorting and code check (CCC) of the radio data signal.
Extension to the WAVECOM decoders. Extension of WAVECOM decoders.
Fully integrated into the WAVECOM user interface. Fully integrated into the WAVECOM user interface.
The classifier is a software option for the professional versions of the WAVECOM decoders. The classifier is the choice software for professional versions of wavecom decoders. The ability to rapidly identify unknown signals has increasingly become an essential requirement in signal analysis. The ability to quickly identify an unknown signal is increasingly becoming an essential requirement in signal analysis. The automation of the signal classification process relieves the operator from manual evaluation, which otherwise requires considerable skills and experience. Automation of the signal classification process deprives the operator of manual evaluation, which otherwise requires considerable knowledge and experience. The combination of a classifier and a decoder thus satisfies the requirement for an automatic system that is able to rapidly and reliably determine the characteristics of radio data transmissions within the signal spectrum being monitored. The combination of classifier and decoder thus meets the requirement for an automatic system that is able to quickly and reliably determine the characteristics of radio data transmission within the spectrum of the signal is monitored. The user interface of the WAVECOM classifier is fully integrated as a software module in the existing hardware and professional software. The user interface of the WAVECOM classifier is fully integrated as a program module in current hardware and professional software.
Classifier Operation Klasifikátor Prevádzka
The HF classifier user interface consists of two windows:
A FFT window Okno FFT
A classification result window. Classification result window.
Two classification modes are provided:
Manual mode
Continuous mode. Continuous mode.
In the manual mode, the classifier can be manually restarted by pressing a Start button. In manual mode, the classifier can be manually restarted when you press the Start button.
In the continuous mode, the signals are classified depending on the Restart Cycle selected in the settings. In continuous mode, the signals are classified depending on the Restart cycle selected in the settings. Automatic restart cycles ranging from 4 s to 3600 s are valid. Automatic restart cycles ranging from 4 s to 3600 s are valid.
If Refresh List is checked, the list will be cleared after every classification attempt. Continuous mode can be stopped by pressing the Start/Stop Classifier button. Refresh the list, if checked, this list will be approved after each qualifying attempt. Continuous mode can be stopped by pressing the Start / Stop button of the classifier. The classifier allows only one classification attempt at a time. The classifier allows only one attempt to be classified at a time. After a few seconds (depending on the complexity of the signal) the result of the classification attempt is displayed in the result window. After a few seconds (depending on the complexity of the signal), the result of the classification of the attempt appears in the Result window. Each signal is numbered and corresponds to the signal marker in the FFT window. Each signal is numbered and corresponds to the signal marker in the FFT window. The last classifier state is visible in the status bar, even if signals were not classified. The last classifier status is visible in the status bar, even if the signals have not been classified. After each restart, the result window will be cleared
Classifier Code Check (CCC) Classifier Code Check (CCC)
The HF Classifier Code Check is a comprehensive analysis tool for classifying unknown signals combined with an advanced code check to determine the transmission mode under observation code (code). HF Classification Code Control is a comprehensive analysis tool for classifying unknown signals in combination with advanced code control to determine the transmission mode based on observation (code). The Classifier Code Check has the ability to check several signals at the same time. The Code Checker classifier has the option to check several signals at once.
The user interface consists of five sections:
sonagram / Code check options window selectable by tabs sonagram / Code
FFT window
signal list output from classifier
classified signal code check tree view
text status output
HF Classifier Code Check runs in automatic or manual mode. HF code classifier arrival runs in automatic or manual mode. If required it can manually be stopped or restarted. If you do it can be stopped or manually restarts. After a successful classification has been achieved, code checking starts. After the successful inclusion is achieved, the scan code runs. If a valid mode is found, the software starts with automatic decoding. When a valid mode is found, the program starts with automatic decoding.
Different settings are possible to adapt the system according to the customer's requests:
Single Button Operation: Classify, system selects the signal with the highest confidence and runs a code check on this signal. Single Button Operations: Classification, the system selects the signal with the highest confidence and runs the code to check this signal. If a valid code is found, decoding is started. When a valid code is found, decoding is started.
Single Button Operation: Classify, system selects the signal with the highest signal level and runs a code check on this signal. Single Button Operations: Classify, the system selects the signal with the highest signal level and starts the code to check this signal. If a valid code is found, decoding is started. When a valid code is found, decoding is started.
Classify and check all available signals from the signal list. Classify and check all available signal signals from the list. If all code checks are finished, the user must choose the desired mode, which immediately starts with decoding. If all checks on the code are completed, the user must choose the desired mode, which immediately begins with decoding.
Classify all signals. Classify all signals. The user selects one signal for code checking. The user selects one signal to check the code. If a valid code is found, decoding is started. When a valid code is found, decoding is started.
Classify all signals. Classify all signals. The user selects one signal for code checking. The user selects one signal to check the code. If code check is finished, the system waits for commands. If the code check is completed, the system waits for commands.
Sample Vzorka
Typical situation with multiple signals
Start Classifier Code Check (CCC)
The three signals are classified. Three signals are classified.
Results: Výsledky:
FSK-8 with 93% confidence
PSK-2A with 86%
F1B (FSK) with 77%
Code checking on the FSK-8 signal is started (best confidence)! The code check on the FSK-8 signal is running (best trust)!
Piccolo-8 text