Truth Detector - Eight Channels - Polygraph
Professional lie detector - truth
Gold Desktop package is a comprehensive solution designed for professional use.
Professional lie detector - truth - polygraph
Gold Desktop package is a comprehensive solution designed for professional use.
The complete Gold Solution includes:
Professional Lie Detector Suite on CD-ROM
DataPac_USB - converter
2 breathing transgits
1 EDA Kit (also includes gold-plated and Ag/AgCl electrodes)
1 pack 100 Disposable Ag/ AgCl Electrodes
1 blood pressure cuff
1 FingerCuff ™
1 StingRay_SE ™ Sensor Pad countermeasure
1 User's Guide
1 OSS 1, 2, 3 and Scoring algorithms (integrated into software)
1 Deluxe Pelican Briefcase
Year Total Software Maintenance Agreement
Polygraph (popularly referred to as the lie detector) is a device that records several physiological conditions (e.g. blood pressure, heart rate, breathing, electrical resistance of the skin, the size of the mesh, etc.) when a person is asked a series of questions. It is assumed that a conscious lie will give effect to a stressful situation, which is manifested by a measurable change in the data being observed. Criminatism In interpreting the results of polygraf output, forensic analysis is used in criminatism. The polygraph itself cannot explain whether the person being under the investigation has lied or not, a conclusion must be drawn by a person based on the data found. The choice of questions by the investigator together with the psychologist and the own examination of the apparatus is carried out by a trained professional operator (as opposed to the form chosen in tv series and detective novels). In the Slovak Republic, physiological investigation is built on the principle of voluntaryity, that is, its rejection does not negatively affect the suspect. Polygraf results are not considered to be evidential form in the Slovak Republic. Medicine In medicine, Polygraf is mainly used in the fields of physiology, Angiology, cardiology. It usually contains a six-channel electrocardiograph with a multi-channel oscilloscope (produces an ECG entry) for the recording of a phonocardiogram (sound recording of heart activity), pulsar waves, carotidogram (time course of blood vessels changes), apexcardiogram (recording of mechanical movements of the heart), blood pressure, etc.
Our 8 channels of DataPac_USB can be found on the FDA's list of approved medical devices and meets all ASTM standards for measuring the lie detector course for the U.S.
16 bit high resolution analog-digital conversion
USB host (no power required) USB-IF certified
Meets IEC61000-4-2 electrostatic discharge protection USB port
FDA, U.S. Food and Drug Administration approve connectors and instrumentation
All channels offer optical insulation at 3500Volts
Compact dimensions (5.1" x 2.8" x 1.0") Weight 400 grams
The detectors are fully compliant with ASTM standards of E52(06-02). This committee oversees and sets standards for the equipment of the lie detector.
Pneumatic breathing input. Operating range 0 - 50kPa
Pneumatic breathing input. Operating range 0 - 50kPa
Pneumatic blood pressure cuff sentry. Operating range 0 - 50kPa
Pneumatic countermeasures or FingerCuff input. operating range 0 - 50kPa
Electronic piezo countermeasure input.
ECA constant voltage. Operating range 22K - 9.0 MegaOhms
PLE or photo-plethysmograph.
The exact skin temperature input. Resistance 1200 ohms @ 40 C
The following sensors are available for data collection:
Silver pneumatic breathing sensor
Black pneumatic breathing sensor
Adjustable adult blood pressure cuffs
Forearm blood pressure cuffs
Wrist Blood Pressure Cuff
Electrodermal activities
Wet-gel electrode snap ends
Vermed wet-crystallised electrodes
3M Reddot wet-crystallized electrodes
Pulsed breathing in the form of oximetry
Nonin ® pulse oxymeter
Temperature sensor
Stingrays electronic countermeasure pillow
Stingray pneumatic countermeasure pillow
Stingray Lite pneumatic countermeasure pillow
Stingray Arm Cushions Sensor
All channels are automatically calibrated separately when connected to your computer. Custom calibration ensures linear and accurate measurement quickly and without the hassle of traditional calibration methods. The technology only recommends that examiners manually calibrate the blood pressure channel in case it moves between radically different weather effects. Examiners access An easy to use software calibration tool that is integrated into the interface for this particular channel.
Accurately synchronized video and/or audio dictating can be recorded with any USB or Firewire camera. Our audio/video recording software is fully integrated into the system that prevents problems associated with OEM software.
761-92 GA - Truth Detector i , four-per-pen recorder, portable in briefcase
Lie detector in the form of a four-per-pen recorder of the physiological functions of the person under investigation. The detector is built into a portable case and is equipped with appropriate sensors. Respiratory frequency, psychogalvanic effect, blood pressure and pulse rate are checked. Power from a 220V mains.
SPY SHOP SLOVAKIA - Wholesale security system