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  • 0,00 € - 2 868,00 €

4G, 5G Jammer

4G, 5G Jammer

4G, 5G Jammer

Aktívne filtre

Cellular jammers 8-14 degrees (5) A

Cellular jammers 8-14 degrees (5) A

Cellular jammers are designed to suppress unauthorized data retrieval equipment operating in mobile network standards, Bluetooth or WiFi. Their operation is based on generating noise interference in the required frequency band. Besides, they enable gradual adjustment of the interference signal power in all the bands, which facilitates blocking of wireless communication standards within the protected room only.

1 746,60 €
Rýchly náhľad

Cellular jammers 8-14 degrees (5) B

Cellular jammers 8-14 degrees (5) B

Cellular jammers are designed to suppress unauthorized data retrieval equipment operating in mobile network standards, Bluetooth or WiFi. Their operation is based on generating noise interference in the required frequency band. Besides, they enable gradual adjustment of the interference signal power in all the bands, which facilitates blocking of wireless communication standards within the protected room only.

This device is a leader in the sigint series of blocking devices, as it combines all the functions.

2 939,70 €
Rýchly náhľad

GSM Jammer 467-8x400mW vrátane LTE, 4G, 3G, Lojack, GPS

Rušiaci signál je vysielaný všesmerovo a ideálnym umiestnením je stred priestoru, ktorý chceme rušičkou obsiahnuť. Rušenie pokrýva obe pásma GSM (900 MHz, 1800 MHz) a obe pásma CDMA (850 MHz, 1900 MHz). Rušička je určená pre rušenie prevádzky mobilných telefónov a modemov GPRS najmä v menších priestoroch, ako sú kancelárie, byty a pod.

0,00 €
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