ODROID-XU3 4x procesor ARM mini HACK PC
  • ODROID-XU3 4x procesor ARM mini HACK PC

ODROID-XU3 4x procesor ARM mini HACK PC

Offering open source support, the board can run various flavours of Linux, including the latest Ubuntu 14.04 and the Android 4.4. By adopting e-MMC 5.0 and USB 3.0 interface, the ODROID-XU3 boasts fast data transfer speed, a feature that is increasingly required to support advanced processing power on ARM devices that allows users can fully experience an upgrade in computing such as faster booting, web browsing and 3D game experience.


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0,00 €

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Odroid hacker board jumps to faster octacore SoC

ODROID-XU3 is a new generation of computing device with more powerful, more energy-efficient hardware and smaller form factor.

Offering open source support, the board can run various flavours of Linux, including the latest Ubuntu 14.04 and the Android 4.4. By adopting e-MMC 5.0 and USB 3.0 interface, the ODROID-XU3 boasts fast data transfer speed, a feature that is increasingly required to support advanced processing power on ARM devices that allows users can fully experience an upgrade in computing such as faster booting, web browsing and 3D game experience.

 * Samsung Exynos5422 Cortex™-A15 2.0Ghz quad core and Cortex™-A7 quad core CPUs

* Mali-T628 MP6(OpenGL ES 3.0/2.0/1.1 and OpenCL 1.1 Full profile)

* 2Gbyte LPDDR3 RAM at 933MHz (14.9GB/s memory bandwidth) PoP stacked

* eMMC5.0 HS400 Flash Storage

* USB 3.0 Host x 1, USB 3.0 OTG x 1, USB 2.0 Host x 4

* HDMI 1.4a and DisplayPort1.1 for display

* Integrated power consumption monitoring tool

 Note!! The package includes a XU3 board, a plastic case, an active cooler, micro HDMI cable(as of 2nd of February, 2015) and 5V/4A PSU. You need additional MicroSD card or an eMMC module to install the OS. We strongly recommend eMMC module for much higher performance boosting.

Integrated power consumption monitoring tool

ODROID-XU3 has the integrated power analysis tool. 

4 current/voltage sensors measure the power consumption of the Big A15 cores, Little A7 cores, GPUs and DRAMs individually. 

The professional developers can monitor CPU, GPU and DRAM power consumption via included on-board power measurement circuit. By using the integrated power analysis tool, developers will reduce the need for repeated trials when debugging for power consumption and get the opportunity to enhance and optimize the performance of their CPU/GPU compute applications, and therefore keeping power consumption as low as possible.

Frequency, Voltage, Ampere and Power information shows as an on-screen-overlay in Android platform. You can monitor 4 big cores and GPU temperature too.

Heterogeneous Multi-Processing (HMP) solution 

ODROID-XU3, equipped with four big cores (ARM® Cortex® -A15™ up to 2.0GHz) and four small cores (ARM® Cortex® -A7™ up to 1.4 GHz), provides improved processing capabilities while maintaining the most efficient power consumption imaginable. With the big.LITTLE™ HMP solution, Exynos-5422 can utilize a maximum of all eight cores to manage computationally intensive tasks.  

OpenGL ES 3.0 and OpenCL 1.1 for Linux and Android platforms 

The ARM® Mali™-T628 MP6 GPU offers key API support OpenGL ES 1.1, OpenGL ES 2.0 and OpenGL ES 3.0, OpenCL 1.1 Full Profile and Google RenderScript. Mali-T628 is the GPU of choice for use in the next generation of market-leading devices, optimized to bring breathtaking graphical displays to consumer applications such as 3D graphics, visual computing, augmented reality, procedural texture generation and voice recognition. You can download the full featured OpenGL ES and OpenCL SDK from ARM Mali Developer website. It is even free! 

Below screen-shot shows the OpenGL-ES + OpenCL + Chromium browser with Ubuntu 14.04 on the HMP enabled Kernel 3.10 LTS.

MMC 5.0 

eMMC uses intelligent flash memory technology that not only offers the capacity to store digital content, but also meets even stricter high sequential and random performance requirements to ensure a strong user experience. This enables fast OS booting, quick application launching, seamless multi-tasking, and quick access to the cloud. 

In October 2013 JEDEC published the latest version of its popular eMMC standard: JESD84-B50: Embedded MultiMediaCard, Electrical Standard (5.0). eMMC v5.0 defines several new functionalities and enhancements for embedded mass-storage flash memory widely used in smartphones and other mobile devices; and matches the challenging performance targets required by the next generation of mobile systems by introducing an HS400 mode that offers additional improvement in terms of interface speed (up to 400 MB/s vs 200 MB/s in the prior version). JESD84-B50 is available for free download from the JEDEC website.


We’ve compared the performance of eMMC 4.5 with eMMC 5.0 on the ODROID boards.

Processor Samsung Exynos5422 ARM® Cortex™-A15 Quad 2.0GHz/Cortex™-A7 Quad 1.4GHz

Memory 2Gbyte LPDDR3 RAM PoP (933Mhz, 14.9GB/s memory bandwidth, 2x32bit bus)

3D Accelerator Mali™-T628 MP6 OpenGL ES 3.0 / 2.0 / 1.1 and OpenCL 1.1 Full profile

Energy Monitor Measure the power consumption of Big cores, Little cores, GPU and DRAM individually. Accurate current sensors and voltage sensors are implemented on PCB for energy measurement.

Audio On-board Audio codec / Standard 3.5mm headphone jack. HDMI Digital audio output. Optional SPDIF optical output (USB module)

USB3.0 Host SuperSpeed USB standard A type connector x 1 port

USB3.0 OTG SuperSpeed USB Micro A-B type connector x 1 port

USB2.0 Host High Speed standard A type connector x 4 ports

Display HDMI, DisplayPort

Storage (Option) eMMC module socket : eMMC 5.0 Flash Storage (up to 64GByte) 

MicroSD Card Slot (up to 64GByte)

Fast Ethernet LAN 10/100Mbps Ethernet with RJ-45 Jack ( Auto-MDIX support)

Gigabit Ethernet LAN (Option) USB3.0 to Gigabit Ethernet adapter (USB module)

WiFi (Option) USB IEEE 802.11b/g/n 1T1R WLAN with Antenna (USB module)

HDD/SSD SATA interface (Optional) SuperSpeed USB (USB 3.0) to Serial ATA3 adapter for 2.5"/3.5" HDD and SSD storage

Power (included) 5V 4A Power

System Software Ubuntu 14.04 + OpenGL ES + OpenCL on Kernel LTS 3.10

Android 4.4.2 on Kernel LTS 3.10

Full source code is accessible via our Github.

Case (included) Mechanical case & cooler (98 x 74 x 29 mm approx. )

PCB Size 94 x 70 x 18 mm approx. (weight: 72gram approx)

 Hardkernel’s Odroid project announced pre-orders for the Odroid-XU3 at $179, with shipments starting on Aug. 18. The open-spec single board computer is the fastest of over a dozen other Samsung-based Odroid siblings, including an Odroid-XU model that it essentially replaces. Whereas the $149-$169 Odroid-XU runs Samsung’s original eight-core Exynos5410 Octa system-on-chip, the Odroid-XU3 advances to the new Exynos5422, which was announced back at February’s Mobile World Congress.

Tovar je možné zakúpiť aj na oficiálnom webe http://www.hardkernel.com/ vrátane príslušenstva. U nás je tovar skladom len v minimálnych množstvách vrátane základného príslušenstva. Cenová relácia je skôr pre organizácie a firmy s prirážkou 20 percent bez DPH.  

Aké ďalšie hardvér si musíte zakúpiť?

MŠP EM modul s Linuxom alebo Android: $ 40- 50 dolárov

5V napájanie: 6 dolár

Ethernet kábel: 2 dolár

Chladiaci ventilátor: 5 dolárov

Micro-USB kábel: 3 dolár

micro HDMI kábel: 6 dolár

USB-UART Module Kit: 10 dolárov

ODROID-VU: 120 dolárov

Pozrite sa na ďalšie príslušenstvo tu: ODROID | Hardkernel

Benchmarking pre softvér bola stanovená prostrediach, rodení jazykmi, je čas začať a podobne

Návody (YouTube, hlavná stránka, atď)

Ako som Spracoval Môj Kernel - YouTube

Čas, aby sa LED blikanie prácu

Najprv sa uistite, že máte všetky správnych káblov a doplnenie: Ja odporúčam dostať pre-naštartoval SD kartu MŠP EM s Linuxom alebo Android (vaša voľba), zapojte microHDMI kábla k obrazovke, pripojte klávesnicu a myš do USB porty, ethernet kábel, pamäť s operačným systémom a mocou. Po nastavení je pripravený topánka trvá menej ako jednu minútu pre príkazový riadok prísť. V závislosti na tom, čo chcete robiť s ním nabudúce čas nastaviť IDE a ďalšie aplikácie, závisí na vašej chuti výberu.



C ++


Systémový softvér

Ubuntu 14.04 + OpenGL ES + OpenCL na Kernel LTS 3.10

Android 4.4.2 na Kernel LTS 3.10

// Všimnite si, zbavil som sa programovacích prostredí, pretože to nie je úplne fit túto platňu

Od prevzatia dosku z krabice, aby printf na obrazovke pomocou C, C ++, Java, alebo?

Rovnaký postup ako LED: Akonáhle operačný systém je až si môžete stiahnuť IDE voľby, nastaviť a začať programovanie.

Projekty a Spoločenstva

Kedykoľvek budete mať na novom projekte, ktorý je vždy príjemné vidieť, čo si ľudia urobili. Preto posledná časť je venovaná zdrojov už k dispozícii.

Čo komunita sa tieto už?

ODroid hovoriť!

ODROID • Zobraziť fórum - Všeobecné

Čo referencie alebo príklady sú tam?Čo môžete robiť s ním?

ODROID-XU3 s Ubuntu14.04 - YouTube

Hrať hry: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5fKrScVtP8


Aké pohode projekty sú tam už

myAHRS + Odroid XU3 demo 2 - YouTube

ODROID-XU3: Android režim Portrét - YouTube

myAHRS + Odroid XU3 demo 1 - YouTube

Stanovisko doba:
Čo oceňujem o Odroid-XU3

Táto doska je určená pre nejaké ťažké práce. Ak chcete, aby to váš nový stolný počítač zvládne zaťaženie, ak chcete, aby začala vytvárať 3D hry (čo sa zdá byť najviac populárne voľbou pre tento doske) je to dobré pre to taky! Osobne, keď som si trochu času (AKA po finále), chcem skúsiť hrať s OpenCV aplikácií na ňom. S veľkými schopnosťami prichádza aj vážne množstvo doplnkov, aby si to začalo, ale akonáhle ste nad touto prekážkou môžete teraz jazdu.

* Varovanie o zaujatosti: Som senior Počítačové inžinierstvo študent s pozadím v oblasti vstavaných systémov. Pracoval som s radom dosiek ARM-založené na projekty v priebehu rokov. Beriem na vedomie, že mám svoju vlastnú sadu preferencií vychádza z toho, čo sa osvedčilo v minulosti, ale ja som sa snažil byť čo nestranní ako je to možné, pretože nie každý má rovnaký projekt goals.I am stážista na ARM, ale tieto názory sú moji vlastné. Ak ste mali iný zážitok vítam váš názor!


Špecifické referencie


15 iný produkt