The Cicada C communications jammer series comprises automatic responder jammers designed to operate at high-power outputs against HF/VHF/UHF radio communications. Typical ECM targets are tactical voice and data links used for command and control of forces in the forward combat zone.Following on from Cicada C-based systems such as Hummel and TOR, MRCM has developed and produced the new Cicada C
Cicada C komunikácií jammer rad zahŕňa automatickú odpovedí rušičky konštruované na prevádzku v high-výkony proti HF / VHF / UHF rádiovú komunikáciu.
Description The Cicada C communications jammer series comprises automatic responder jammers designed to operate at high-power outputs against HF/VHF/UHF radio communications. Typical ECM targets are tactical voice and data links used for command and control of forces in the forward combat zone.Following on from Cicada C-based systems such as Hummel and TOR, MRCM has developed and produced the new Cicada C jammer generation, which offers improved capabilities in terms of extended frequency range, additional jamming modes against new threats - for example: frequency hoppers, mobile telephones and satellite navigation systems - as well as having improved ESM features.The most important capabilities claimed for the new MRCM jammer concept are extremely fast frequency changing and look-through which allow fast reaction to changing threats and high jamming effectiveness addressing multiple targets.The jamming systems can be installed in fixed sites or in mobile platforms (land vehicles, ships, aircraft, drones) and can be deployed in the forward combat zone.The jammers offer different modes such as automatic multichannel jamming using Time Division Multiplex (TDM) or single-channel jamming in a response mode, as well as frequency hopper jamming. High-gain antennas are claimed to maximise the jamming field strength produced at the target receiver. The jammer can either be controlled locally by the operator or remotely by an Electronic Warfare Operations Centre (EWOC) as part of a comprehensive EW suite. The remote-control mode is designed to allow the EWOC to select suitable deployment sites for the jammer and react quickly to the changing priorities of the tactical
Status As the first generation of the Cicada C systems, the original Hummel was designed in the 1970s and was still in use in 2007. The new generation was in use in more than 10 countries in that year.Included in the contractor's website inventory in 2010.
Dané riešenie Micro - Controller v kombinácii s PLL syntézou vysielača, čím sa zabezpečuje minimálne rušenie mimo požadovaného pásma, vysokú kvalitu spracovania a spoľahlivosť aj pri daných vysielacích výkonoch.
Miniatúrne rušička GSM pásiem s vstavaným akumulátorom. Pracuje vo všetkých pásmach určených pre tento typ komunikácie: 850/1900 MHz a 900/1800 MHz. Na nabíjanie vnútorného akumulátora slúži priložená nabíjačka.
Rušiaci signál je vysielaný všesmerovo a ideálnym umiestnením je stred priestoru, ktorý chceme rušičkou obsiahnuť. Rušenie pokrýva obe pásma GSM (900 MHz, 1800 MHz) a obe pásma CDMA (850 MHz, 1900 MHz).
Výkonná prenosná rušička pokrývajúci všetky bežne používané pásma pre hovorové a dátové prenosy.
Najvyspelejší jammer z čistým spektrálnym výstupom nezasahujte mimo definovaných hraničných pásiem, čo je častým nešvárom jednoduchších lacných konštrukcií.
Miniatúrne rušička GSM pásiem s vstavaným akumulátorom. Pracuje vo všetkých pásmach určených pre tento typ komunikácie: 850/1900 MHz a 900/1800 MHz. Na nabíjanie vnútorného akumulátora slúži priložená nabíjačka.
Rušiaci signál je vysielaný všesmerovo a ideálnym umiestnením je stred priestoru, ktorý chceme rušičkou obsiahnuť. Rušenie pokrýva obe pásma GSM (900 MHz, 1800 MHz) a obe pásma CDMA (850 MHz, 1900 MHz).