230 V power grids Protection (6)
  • 230 V power grids Protection (6)
  • 230 V power grids Protection (6)

230 V power grids Protection (6)

230 V power grids Protection (6)

AC circuits pose a double threat. First of all, acoustic data can be leaked through the AC circuit (230 V). And secondly, there is a threat of information signals leak from office equipment.

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230 V power grids Protection (6)

AC circuits pose a double threat. First of all, acoustic data can be leaked through the AC circuit (230 V). And secondly, there is a threat of information signals leak from office equipment.

There exist passive and active techniques for AC (220 V) protection against unauthorized data retrieval.

Passive 220 V circuits protection implies using anti-interference line filters. Such filters weaken any signals in the frequency band of 0.01-1,000 MHz with the efficiency of at least 60 dB and, thus, do not let the information signals generated in office equipment get through. Besides, a correctly installed filter also protects office equipment from the harmful effect of external interference. It's worth mentioning that efficient operation of anti-interference filters requires high-quality grounding.

Active AC circuits (220 V) protection techniques imply generation of a noise signal exceeding the information signals and signals of information retrieval devices in level by special generators. Such noise signals are supplied to the 220 V circuit and to the ground circuit. These generators produce noise for 220 V circuits and ground circuits.

Power line filter is designed to protect radio electronics and computers from data leaks by pickup of information signals in single-phase power supply circuits with the voltage of 220 V, frequency of 50+0.5 Hz and maximum operating current of 10 A

The power line filter is designed to protect radio electronics and computers from data leaks by pickup of information signals in single-phase power supply circuits with the voltage of 220 V, frequency of 50+0.5 Hz and maximum operating current of 10 A, as well as from high-frequency interference in the frequency band of 0.1-1,000 MHz.

The product provides electromagnetic decoupling for power circuits of radio electronics, computers, as well as for industrial and other electric grids.

Is a high-frequency filter connected to the 220 V circuit with the frequency of 50 Hz (no sign difference). To decrease the link between the input and output, the filter components are placed in three shielding chambers formed by the Product’s sides and chassis. Structurally the product comes in a single-cast metal case. All the components are mounted in an electrostatic screen.

The Product operates automatically round the clock.

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