Hravo si podradí z Motorola Astro Digital II, či APCO P25.
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Nový Uniden BCD996XT môže vyzerať rovnako ako jeho podobne pomenované predchodcu, 996T, ale vnútri je to celé úplne inak! Nový skener výrazne zvyšuje latku sa veľa lepšie APCO-25 digitálne dekódovanie, rovnako ako množstvo nových funkcií a väčšiu pamäť. Pre tých, ktorí majú radi GPS skenovanie, funkcia žiadny iný výrobca neponúka, si teraz môžete povoliť alebo zakázať nielen systémov, ale aj skupín v závislosti na lokalite (voliteľné GPS anténu, ktorá sa predávajú, je potreba). Radio teraz ponúka kapela-rozsah funkcií, požiarne Tone Out vyhľadávacie funkcie, ktoré vám pomôžu určiť tón sa používa frekvencie, zlepšenie Zavrieť Volanie APCO-25 NAC dekódovaní kódu, a ďalšie. 996XT je veľký leapforward.
The new Uniden BCD996XT may look the same as its similarly named predecessor, the 996T, but inside it's a whole lot different! The new scanner significantly raises the bar with much improved APCO-25 digital decoding as well as a host of new features and more memory. For those who like GPS scanning, a feature no other manufacturer offers, you can now enable and disable not only Systems but Groups as well depending on your location (the optional GPS antenna that we sell is required). The radio now offers a band-scope feature, a Fire Tone Out search feature to help you determine the tone out frequencies being used, improved Close Call, APCO-25 NAC code decoding, and more. The 996XT is a big leapforward.
Included in the box
BCD996XT Scanner
AC Adapter
Cigarette Lighter Adapter Power Cord
Three-Wire Harness
Mounting Bracket and Hardware
Telescopic Antenna
PC Serial Cable
Other Printed Materials
Mounting Sleeve and Keys
Online Resouces
Uniden User Manual
Uniden Online User Manual
Features (New Features over the older model 996T shown in bold)
TrunkTracker IV with Control-Channel Only scanning and I-Call monitoring: Tracks voice traffic on P25, Motorola, EDACS, and LTR Trunked systems
Supports scanning of Rebanded systems
APCO25 Digital Audio decoding
Support for P25 Conventional channels that include NAC and TGID user differentiation (P25 One-Frequency Trunk)
Adaptive Digital Threshold - Automatically sets the digital decode threshold for APCO 25 systems
EDACS ESK support
Control Channel Data Output - allows the analysis of control channel data without the need to perform invasive modifications to the scanner
Close Call RF Capture
Close Call Temporary Store (last 10 hits)
GPS Support for location-based scanning, location alerts, and crows-flight navigation*
Independent GPS Control of Sites and Channel Groups*
Supported step sizes: 5, 6.25, 7.5, 8.33, 10, 12.5,15, 20, 25, 50 or 100 kHz
Fire Tone Out Alert
Fire Tone Out Search - built-in frequency counter displays the received tones.
Band Scope - gives a graphic representation of signal activity.
Multi-color display backlight
Multi-Site support
DCS/CTCSS Rapid Decode
NAC decoding
Ability to flag a channel as Digital, Analog, or All
Temporary Lockout
10 Startup Configurations
System / Channel Number Tagging - provides rapid access to a specific system or channel.
Scan and (selected) Service Search simultaneously
Frequency/IDAutoStore - automatically store frequencies from a service or limit search into a conventional system or store talk group IDs into a trunked system
16 character text tagging for each system, group, channel, talkgroup, search range, and SAME group
Compatible with BC-RH96 Remote Head
Analog and Digital AGC
Quick Search
Individual channel volume offset
Intermediate Frequency Exchange - changes the IF used for a selected frequency to help avoid image and other mixer-product interference on a frequency.
Key Safe Mode - lets you hand the scanner to a novice user and prevent programming from being modified.
Private Systems - lets you flag a system so that it cannot be read out of the scanner or modified.
12 Service Searches - Public Safety, News, HAM Radio, Marine, Railroad, Air, CB Radio, FRS/GMRS, Racing, Military Air, FM Broadcast, and Special (Itinerant)
Custom Search - lets you program up to 10 search ranges
SAME Weather Alert
Weather Priority
Priority Scan with Priority Plus
Priority ID Scan on trunked systems
Preemptive Priority on Motorola analog systems
Quick-Access Search Keys
Negative Channel dropout delay (forced resume)
Signal Strength display
LCD and Keypad Backlight
Adjustable scan delay
Adjustable Hold (0-255 sec) per system, custom or service search
Strong signal attenuation
Upgradeable firmware
Channel Alert (both tones and backlight color)
Independent Alert Tone Volume - lets you set the volume level of the following tones: Key Beep, Emergency Alert, Channel Alert, and Close Call Alert.
Repeater Reverse
Broadcast signal ignore while searching (TV and radio station frequencies, pagers, etc)
Duplicate Channel Alert
PC Programming and Control
Wired Cloning
Record Output
Automatic backlight level detection (when used with the "Orange" wire connected to a headlight switched power lead)
DIN / ISO In-Dash Mounting with included DIN-E sleeve.
Frequency Coverage
25.0000 - 512.0000 MHz
758.0000 - 823.9875 MHz
849.0125 - 868.9875 MHz
894.0125 - 960.0000 MHz
1240.0000 - 1300.0000 MHz
Channels: 25,000 maximum
Systems: 500 maximum
Groups per system: 20 maximum
Talkgroups per trunked system: 500 maximum
Channels per conventional system: 1000 maximum
Scan Rate: 100 channels per second (conventional mode)
Search Rate: 300 steps per second (on 5 kHz steps)
System Quick Key range: 0-99
Group Quick Key range: 0-9
Custom Search Ranges: 10
Startup Keys: 10
System Number Tagging: 999
Channel Number Tagging: 999
Preprogrammed Service Search Bands: 12
Band Scope Span Range: 0.2 MHz To 500 MHz
Band Scope Step: 5 kHz To 100 kHz
Special Functions
Band Scope Function
Frequency Span 0.2 MHz To 500 MHz
Frequency Step 5 kHz To 100 kHz
250.0-3500.0Hz , 0.1Hz Step Programmable
WX Alert
1050 Hz Tone System
NWR-SAME System (Warning / Watch / Advisory)
Supported trunking systems
Motorola Systems: Type I, II, II/I (hybrid)
EDACS Systems: FM, NFM, and SCAT
LTR Systems
APCO Systems: Astro Imbe, Astro 25
Dynamic memory allocation capacity
Systems: 500 max
Groups: 20 per system
Site: 1000 max (All) 256 per system
Channels: 25000 max (40128 memory blocks)
Channels per Trunked System: 500 max
Heterodyne System
1st IF: 380.7 to 380.8 MHz / 265.5 to 265.6 MHz
2nd IF: 10.8 MHz
3rd IF: 450 kHz